
Hello! My name is Friederike Günther, M.Sc. Osteopathy. I'm an osteopathic practitioner and registered German naturopath (Heilpraktiker) based in Castrop-Rauxel, Germany.
First of all, thank you for your interest in my private practice for osteopathic medicine! In the following paragraphs you will find information on osteopathy, philosophy, treatment, pricing and contact details. If you have any questions or wish to make an appointment, please don't hesitate to contact me via phone or whatsapp:
+ 49 178 843 38 46
What is osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a form of alternative health care using manual techniques to diagnose and treat dysfunctions and help a suffering patient regain health.
It is vital to always respect the individual person in their empowered self and see them as an entity of body, mind and soul. It is an approach to not only find health but also reactivate the patient's self-healing powers, utilising the direct relationships between fascia, inner organs, nervous system and articular system. As none structure in the human body is indepenent from their surroundings, the holistic mindset of osteopathy always considers structural, visceral and cranial elements to influence each other and be crucial to prevent any disruption of bodily functions from causing deeper dysfunction.

In my private practice I specialize in the treatment of pregnant and post-pregnant women, new borns and toddlers, as well as people suffering from stress-induced symptoms.
In 2018 I completed my Master's degree in Osteopathic Medicine and took post-graduate courses in pediatrics, pregnancy, cranio-mandibular dysfunction and Minimal Lever Mid Range Manipulation by British osteopath Daryl Herbert.
Empathy and a trustful relationship between practitioner and patient are of vital importance. Providing a secure and professional atmosphere enables patients to feel comfortable and relax.
Pregnant ladies may look forward to a special treat: my treatment bench is equipped with a baby bump pillow made of neoprene cushioning that allows pregnant women to lay down in prone position without the risk of sqeezing neither baby nor bump, until just before delivery.
Duration of treatment is approximately 45 minutes. Consultation fee follows the German Heilpraktiker regulations of fees and is € 90 to € 110 per consultation. Payment will be made right after the treatment by EC card.
You can make appointments online via this website by clicking on the Online buchen (book now) link in the upper right corner. However, the booking tool is only available in German. You may therefore call me on +49 178 843 38 46, send me a message via WhatsApp or an email to info@osteopathie-glueckauf.de.
Please note:
- I won't answer the phone during consultations, however, I'll return the call asap.
- If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let me know at least 24 hours prior to the appointment. Otherwise, you may be charged a cancellation fee.

Contact me
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me via email or telephone:
+49 178 843 38 46
I'm looking forward to meeting you and appreciate your interest in my private practice.
Sincerely, Friederike